Dr. Linsinger-Strasse 24
A-4662 Steyrermuehl
Phone.: +43 7613 8840-802 | Fax +43 7613 8840-820
VAT number: ATU67364924
Commercial register number: FN383994Y
Conception, design & programming
1. Content of the online offer
The author shall not be liable for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information. Liability claims against the author referring to material or non material damage, caused by usage or non-usage of the presented information or the usage of false and incomplete information shall be excluded in general, provided no intent or gross negligence can be proved on the part of the author.All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The author shall expressly reserve the right to modify, amend or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to stop publication temporarily or permanently.
2. References and links
In case of direct or indirect references to third-party websites (hyperlinks) the author is not responsible for, he shall only be liable if knows about the contents and it would be technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent the usage in case of illegal contents. The author expressly declares that no illegal contents were recognized on the linked pages when the links were set. The author does not have an influence on the current and future design, the contents or the authorship of the linked/connected pages. He therefore dissociates himself from all contents of all linked/connected pages which have been modified after the link was set. This statement shall apply to all links and references set within its own internet offer as well as to entries of third parties made in guest books, discussion forums, link lists, mailing lists and all other forms of data bases which were created by the author. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and particularly for damages arising from the use or non-use of such offered information, only the provider of the page referred to is liable.
3. Copyright and trademark law
The author strives to respect the copyrights of graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts, to use his own graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts or to use license-free graphics, audio, video clips and texts. All mentioned and (if applicable) by third parties protected brands and trademarks within the internet offer shall be subject to the terms of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the registered owner. The mere mentioning may not suggest that trademarks are not protected by rights of third parties.The author shall have the sole copyright for published objects created by him. Any reproduction or use of graphics, audio and video clips and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the explicit permission of the author.All images, animations and movies about machines, installations, tools etc. remain the property of company LINMAG. The download of pictures, animations and movies onto a hard drive is allowed – but only for private purposes. A use for business purposes is prohibited; unless company LINMAG grant their written agreement.
4. Data protection
If the web page contains the possibility to enter personal or business data (email addresses, names, addresses), the user discloses such data expressively on a voluntary basis. The usage of and payment of all offered services – if technically possible and reasonable –also be permitted without entering such data or by providing anonymous data or a pseudonym. The use of published information such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses by third parties for marketing purposes is prohibited. We reserve the right to take action against the sender of spam in the event of infringement of the prohibition.
See also
5. Google Analytics
6. Cookie guidelines
7. Legal force of this disclaimer
This disclaimer has to be regarded as part of the internet offer, from which were referred to this page. As far as parts or individual formulations of this text are not, no longer or not completely correct accord to the legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.